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How Can We Achieve an Amicable Separation or Divorce?

Posted By Tarryn Rea  
17:00 PM

The word amicable means "to be characterised by friendly goodwill" or "peaceable."

Upon separation, couples may not be feeling an abundance of 'friendly goodwill'. You may be wondering whether an amicable separation or divorce is even possible.

We believe that with the effort of both parties and collaborative efforts from family lawyers, a peaceful and amicable separation is possible.

An amicable separation is not for the faint-hearted. It requires respect and cooperation from both parties to achieve an agreement that is beneficial for both parties.  

An amicable separation will mean that you have more control over the outcome of your settlement compared to proceeding to Court and having a Judge make decisions about important matters affecting your life. The Court process can be stressful and costly.

"Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it." - Ann Landers

What does it take to achieve an amicable separation or divorce?

  1. Control your emotions. Be open to letting go of grudges and stop blaming. Controlling emotions can be difficult, particularly when you or your former spouse have been hurt, or the separation was unexpected for either party. If you are finding that your emotions may be getting the better of you, engaging a professional such as a counsellor or psychologist may assist in your healing journey.
  2. Be respectful of your former spouse's needs. An excellent way to show respect is to listen to your former spouse's needs and try to understand why something is important to them.
  3. Be open to compromise. Both parties will need to give up things to reach an agreement. Neither party will get exactly what they want. Each party will need to give up something, but they will also get something they want.

Three ways that you can respectfully negotiate with your former spouse are: -

  1. Make a prioritised list of what you want from the settlement.
  2. If you give something away, make sure you receive something in return.
  3. Listen to your former spouse's needs and try to understand why their need is important to them. Listening and understanding create a more respectful atmosphere, and your former spouse will likely be more willing to compromise and listen to your needs.
  4. Do not view negotiation as a competition. Negotiating is not a game to be won or lost. The best negotiation leaves both people feeling they received something of value.

It is possible to achieve an amicable and peaceful separation or divorce.

We have assisted many separating couples in achieving an amicable separation.

We offer a new way to separate in a respectful and dignified manner.

Call us today to find out how we can help you achieve a graceful transition to a new chapter in your life. 1300 414 855